


Page 1-line 3      After "policies" insert "or high deductible health plans".


Page 1-line 7      After "definitions;" delete balance of the line.


Page 1-line 8      Delete "additional funds;".


Page 4-line 8      Delete "group" insert "employer health insurance".


Page 4-After line 15    Insert:


"(viii)  Any authorized insurer may offer an individual or small employer an insurance policy with benefits equivalent to those in any policy approved for sale in Wyoming under this article provided that the offered policy meets the requirements of this article.".


Page 8-After line 4     Insert:


"Section 2.  The insurance commissioner shall report to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee by October 31, 2014 regarding the number of policies sold under this act and a summary of the information provided to the commissioner under W.S. 26-18-302(a)(v).".


Page 8-line 6      Delete "2" insert "3".  HARVEY, CHAIRMAN