Bill No.:         HB0015                                             Drafter:     LGC


LSO No.:       14LSO-0056                                     Effective Date:        7/1/2014


Enrolled Act No.:    HEA0059


Chapter No.:                        CH0081


Prime Sponsor:       Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee


Catch Title:              Business entities-enforcement and penalties.


Subject:                     Business entity penalties.


Summary/Major Elements:


·        Under current law, the secretary of state may refuse documents for filing if the correct filing fee, any franchise tax, license fee or penalty is not paid.


·        This bill extends the authority to refuse filing of documents if past due fees, taxes or penalties are not paid up.


·        This bill also authorizes administrative dissolution if a business entity has failed to pay any penalty assessed by the secretary of state.