Standard Budget:     $27,500.00


Priority # 1     Continuation of Interim Study Topics


The Committee will continue consideration of interim topics started last interim:

A.  HB0042 – Collection agencies.

B.  SF0021 – Coal value added facilities-tax exemptions.




Priority # 2     Powder River Basin Tour


The Committee will tour surface mining and reclamation, including coal, uranium and bentonite.  The Committee will also tour a new coal fired power plant, coal bed methane production and related issues, including gathering systems, pipelines and related water issues


Priority # 3     Reporting Agencies


A.  DEQ – The Committee will consider permitting backlog, including coal bed methane, uranium, bentonite, air permits, water permits and pesticides and wind farm permits.  The Committee will consider issues, concerns and impacts from federal actions on DEQ and other state agencies, including economic impacts and the effects on wildlife and endangered species.  The Committee will continue its review of landfills.

B.  Business Council – The Committee will review the mission, organization and results of the Business Council, including economic development reporting.

C.  University of Wyoming – The Committee will continue its review of clean coal technology and the School of Energy Resources.  The Committee will consider natural gas for fleet vehicles and the value of captured carbon.

D.  Wyoming Pipeline Authority (WPA) and Wyoming Infrastructure Authority (WIA).  The Committee will consider natural gas corridors, will review natural gas firming of resources, intermittent generation, location, transmission and storage.  The Committee will review the WPA and the WIA and determine the appropriate means to transition the authority from a body corporate operating as a state instrumentality to a state agency.


Priority # 4     Public Construction statutes


The Committee will review Wyoming public construction statutes.


Priority # 5     Reports and Updates


The Committee will receive and consider reports and updates from various agencies.


Tentative Meeting Schedule:


The Committee plans to meet for 3 two-day meetings.  One meeting will include a one day tour of the mines and facilities in the Gillette area.


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