Standard Budget:     $37,500.00


Priority #: 1     Energy Audit Settlements.


The Committee will consider energy audit settlements including a discussion of the audit interest rate and the timing of audits for minerals.


Priority #: 2     Taxation of multi-county projects.


The Committee will review taxation issues related to multi-county projects including pipelines and other large capital investments.  The Committee will consider a process for early consultation with companies in order to structure transacations with consideration of state and local revenue implications.


Priority #: 3     Tax exemption and tax rate issues.


The Committee will consider:


a. The current application of the exemption for property used by a nonprofits, secret, benevolent and charitable society or association societies or associations. [Modified by Management Council]


b. The application of the exemption for flared natural gas.


c. A general review of the other tax exemptions existing in statute.


d. The tax rate for rare earth those minerals which fall under the default rate. [Modified by Management Council]


e. The tax rate for beer and other alcoholic beverages.


Priority #: 4     Affiliated businesses.


The Committee will review the issue raised when related or affiliated businesses transact with one another including the revenue implications and whether that results in double payment of taxes.


Priority #: 5     Streamlined Sales Tax.


The Committee would receive a 1.5 to 2 hour educational update on the streamlined sales tax process and the efforts to collect taxes from remote sales where the seller does not have a presence in the state of Wyoming.



Priority #: 6     State land revenue.


The Committee would receive a 1.5 to 2 hour educational update related to revenues from or related to state and public lands.


Priority #: 7     Tax Appeals.


The Committee will review the tax appeal process and the role of County Commissioners in the process.


Priority #  8 Agency Budget Review


The Committee will review proposed 2%, 4% and 6% budget cuts as submitted by the supervised agencies designated for the Committee's review last interim, except for the Board of Equalization. [Study added by Management Council]


Tentative Meeting Schedule:


June 3 and 4

September 12 and 13

October 28 and 29