1. The level III design shall allocate space within the capitol building to meet legislative needs, needs of the governor's office and security needs in the capitol building as determined by the oversight group and the governor. In determining space allocations under this subsection the oversight group and the governor shall be guided by level II studies for the capitol building restoration and rehabilitation conducted in 2013. To the extent the oversight group and the governor determine that all such needs cannot be accommodated within the capitol building, legislative committee rooms and offices for committee chairmen and associated legislative session staff may be within the structure connecting the capitol building and Herschler state office building. If the governor and the oversight group determine that space will exist in the capitol building in excess of the needs of the legislature, the governor's office and capitol building security needs, then the department, in consultation with the advisory task force, shall provide one (1) or more design alternatives to the oversight group and governor for review and approval, allocating available remaining space to the statewide elected officials with offices within the capitol building as of April 1, 2014.


2. The Herschler state office building rehabilitation, renovation and addition shall be designed to accommodate offices for elected state officials for which insufficient space is provided within the capitol building restoration, renovation and rehabilitation design.


3. The department, in consultation with the advisory task force, shall provide alternatives for temporary location of elected officials and legislative functions during project construction. The alternatives shall be submitted to the governor and the oversight group for review and approval.


4. No funds shall be expended for the purposes of construction until final design plans for the project have been submitted to the advisory task force for review and comment and to the governor and the oversight group for review and a majority of the legislative members of the oversight group has recommended approval and the governor has approved the plans.


5. The department may expend funds appropriated by the legislature for the project to implement the design, renovation, restoration, rehabilitation, construction and other project components which have been included in the final design plans approved under subsection (e) of this section. Any change order to the approved final design plans in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) or in a cumulative amount in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) shall require the approval of a majority of the legislative members of the oversight group and the governor.