Standard Budget:             $5,000.00

Priority #: 1         General Responsibilities

Created by Management Council, the Select Committee on Archaic Laws is engaged in a long term project to review and recommend to Management Council legislation to amend or repeal archaic statutes.

The Committee is charged with addressing the following types of issues: update references to federal or state citations which have been amended over the years when the existing reference is clearly inaccurate; repeal provisions held to be unconstitutional in whole or in part; repeal or amend laws which no longer appear to be pertinent due to the passage of time or historic practices. The Select Committee may occasionally request Management Council to refer substantive issues to one or more of the Joint Interim Committees for consideration.

The Committee will review the use of corporate seals and whether that use is archaic.  The will report back to the Management Council with a recommendation sponsor legislation or to assign the issue to a standing committee if it finds the issue to be substantive.

Meeting Schedule
1-1 day meeting