JAC Index – Friday- January 23, 2015 pm1 1/23/2015 12:29:47 PM Markup continued Senator Ross is the Chairman for the Day Section 300 Richards: page 11 of amendment handout Ross: $37, 500,000 for first year June, 2015 and June, 2016, seconded. Carried. Section 303. Ross: Yellowstone River Compact. Expend from 2008 appropriation of $100,000 for carryover appropriation until June 2016. Richards: Outstanding balance of $186,000. Burns: Amend section 303 to include amended language on Yellowstone River, seconded. Carried. Perkins: motion to approve section 303, seconded. Carried. Section 308. Richards: Carryover. Burns: Motion, seconded. Carried. Section 328. Richards: Adopted 1/22 Section 323. Vetoed by governor. Harshman: Only upon governor approval to increase budgeted raises to state employees within agencies motion, seconded. Carried. Section 330. Richards: Line items out to avoid double appropriation. Motion, seconded. Carried. Section 331. Richards: High Bay facility, rare earth research. Motion, seconded. Burkhart: Resist on rare earth research and continue funding $270,000 and $250,000 with match. Amend thru school of energy research, seconded. Harshman: Will need additional $570,000 for High Bay facility. Burkhart: Money is available currently for research. Burkhart: paragraphs c, e and f. Amendment carried. Harshman: Motion $4,570,000 from engineering college construction budget to high bay facility, seconded. Motion carried. Gov rec, as amended, carried. Section 340. UW Engineering Building II Richards: Last year inserted a section of DOC facility west of Rawlins. Section 334. Richards: $17.275M for series of energy proposals. Use some of those funds for sage grouse. Harshman: $1M in governor’s energy strategy policy which has not been spent. $750,000 of that money and set up another task force on viability of breeding sage grouse. $25,000 for meeting costs; $725,000 be matched. $225,000; $75,000 3 ways, all matched, to provide seed money to begin research by task force. 2019, $500,000, matched, be an award. Direct concept to Sage Grouse Implementation Team. Seconded. Nicholas: Bob Budd provided background info on sage grouse. Budd: Previous efforts to breed sage grouse have failed. Whether bird is endangered or not will be a habitat issue. Avian flu. No need for separate task force, already Sage Grouse Implementation Team. Harshman: Members? Budd: Brown, Hicks, most members are non-governmental. 26 members, appointed by governor. 6,000 birds harvested last year. Harshman: provides competition to develop new science. Motion carried. Section 331. Heartland Harshman: Paragraph x, $5M from 2016 contingency into new industrial park savings account, seconded. Greear: Minerals passed a bill regarding tolling legislation. $15M guarantee. Business economic development legislation, design to be able to assist financing in gas to liquid facility. Helping with input and output prices to assist industry with financing. Passed. Section 335. Harshman: early childhood study, part b and c. Seconded. Perkins: Education related, now in Department of Health. Stubson: …………..Want other folks to have a seat at the table. Conversation about his being an interim topic for health and labor. Ross: Proposed section 300 amendment to section 335 Failed Richards: From here forward they are all section 340 ; pg 18 b I those numbers will have to be revised for numbers. Just moved money Highbay. Constraints on an apt of Dean Ross: Gov rec Adopted –Engineering building 1/23/2015 1:29:37 PM Ross: Gap reversion Richards: 1993 Legislature appropriated money. Concern this summer over no legal authority to continue. In hindsight, I think the comments go too far in terms of staff. The funds are out there. There is no authority to spend those funds but agencies continue to spend. Ross; Revert funds? Richards: or carryover Ross; gov rec Richards: no Burns: move as written Ross; Adopted 1/23/2015 1:31:30 PM Richards: joint committee on economic development Ross: passed Richards: School finance recalibration Nicholas: Amendment – move to one democrat. Given the makeup of the legislature, equal representation. Move it to say up to 2.. one or two, whatever the appropriate phase Richards: not less than one member and up to two members. Ross: Amendment adopted Ross: approve as amended is adopted 1/23/2015 1:34:59 PM Richards: Placeholder for capitol renovations, capped at 259 M Nicholas: I move to change the figure Richards: gave figures Nicholas: give a fudge factor, 290 M 1/23/2015 1:36:42 PM Richards: Campus of dept of workforce services in Casper. Sale of state building and purchase of land Harshman: Two old buildings downtown Casper. I would like a report to this committee by next fall about how they are going to accommodate those people in 3 buildings downtown, how to we dispose of those buildings. What are possible sites? Ross; who prepares the report? Harshman: AandI Burkhart: all state agencies or just workforce services Harshman: 3 buildings downtown. Grand plan to pull everybody together, I think. Stubson: Workforce services, family services. They have done an analysis of agencies with the same clientele. There is a building schematic. Level 1 and 2 have been approved. Ask for a report on that plan and anticipated disposal of those buildings. Input from Agency, downtown authority and others. We could have a report earlier than Oct 1. Harshman: I think we should be involved in this process, just like for a building in Cheyenne. I want the information and this committee should have some input. I want the information before we put a budget together next year. Stubson: appropriate and the committee should do that. Ross: What would be the appropriate date for such a report? Stubson: Could have it early on Harshman: July 1, part of our interim meeting Ross; Adopted 1/23/2015 1:44:34 PM Richards: sale of parcel from DOC, near the ag farm, not possible to have a swap. Appropriation for 250,000 GF Perkins: moved the appropriation. 290 acres by honor farm. Put it up for sale to private developers. DOC keeps the money to buy replacement land. The 250,000 probably won’t be spent. This is to make sure the DOC has adequate funds to do that Nicholas: Illogical – selling for development should generate more money than buying ag land. Appropriating the money means the agency can sell the land cheaper or buy land that is more expensive. Perkins: Selling 200 acres. DOC can’t buy 1000 acres and then take this money. DOC wants to be held harmless in the process. Greear: Institutional land bill passed a few years ago. Conditions on where the land went. Make sure this does not require a change of that bill Orbrecht: Rep Greear is correct. DOC was included in the institutional land fund legislation. If acquired lands were disposed of, funds would go into institutional land fund and only dispersed for use of that agency for that purpose. Greear: This complies? Orbrecht: my understanding that it comports with the requirements. Harshman: Would like to see maps, etc before we dispose of any of those lands. Not an emergency. Want to study it. Nicholas: I have no problem with the concept. I want to know more about it. Slib Board meeting- can’t recall all the details. Perkins: Bypass now and I will bring it back during the round robin. 1/23/2015 1:51:27 PM Richards: 50,000 app in 11-12 for the energy producing states coalition. Suggested 20,000 for the balance of this biennium. Ross: Adopted Harshman: immediate or July 1, 2015 contingent Perkins: it makes no difference. We have sufficient liquidity. Harshman: I move to the July 15 contingent fund. Perkins: Is there enough flex to attend if there is a meeting this spring. Richards: would require approval by management council Ross: 2015 date adopted Nicholas: Teton National Park – a paved road and bike lane on Moose to Wilson Road on Highway 290. I propose that we take 100,000 requiring a 2 to 1 match for placement of a bike lane. Move to July 1, 2016. Motion seconded Harshman: explain Nicholas: Joint Resolution last year. Gave explanation. Park service has been fighting that but new superintendent is more open to it. Put some money behind it based on a match, promotes concept and support. Burns: We provide 100,000, someone else provides 200,000, for the national park service to build a bike path Ross: Correct, passed 1/23/2015 1:57:02 PM Youth – previously matched dollars – for university graduate student. Connolly: I would like to move that 50,000 of unappropriated funds in a dept at Uw ..for journalism graduate student Harshman: 90 M appropriated for academic matching programs. Remaining balance of 1.6 M, probably encumbered. There is 50,000 that can be matched. Grad students in communication. No hit on the budget. Connolly: grad assistantships is probably what it would go for. Stubson: how many grad assistants in program? Connolly; can find out exact number, have quite a few Burkhart: to set up a fund or one time money Connolly: Money given to dept, matched then put into a foundation acct, which dept can access until it is gone. Burns: ? Connolly: Foundation accts last until they are expended. Ross; Motion adopted Ross; closes section 300 Richard: interest for round robin Ross; moved to close, adopted. Return 8 am Monday morning for round robin, Modified the schedule Richards: We will start writing a lot of this over the weekend. If round robin is completed Monday morning, will take 2 bills to write the bill, one day for ad, and meeting on Friday to look over the bill. Would like it posted for public no later than Tuesday of next week. Friday is last day. One week from next Monday is… Tuesday is second reading. Wed off. Thurs is second reading then you would have a 4 day weekend 1/23/2015 2:03:00 PM Adjourned