1/26/2015 2:18:58 PM JAC Index pm #2 Harshman: Section 300, Capital Construction Richards: 3 amendments Harshman: remove authorization on northwest community college dome, seconded. Carried. Perkins: motion to provide up to $325,000 for central Wyoming community college for planning and design of an agriculture and animal science building, seconded. Nicholas: where on community college priority list? Richards: Top priority for central Wyoming community college. Harshman: friendly motion to reduce to $240,000 with 2015 contingency. $8M authorization is priority 2. Perkins: Can spend up to $325,000? $240,000 general fund; seconded by Harshman. Burkhart: $8M are college funds Carried. Harshman: $8M of other funds authorization for construction. Stubson: Do design first and come back for funds. Failed. Nicholas: Authorize $8M for construction and design of building and remove $240,000 funding, seconded. Carried. Richards: Use footnote approved last year carried forward to this year. Stubson: Motion to do so, seconded. Carried. Stubson: Motion to authorize $1.5M to health facilities fund for level I and II planning and design, 1a and 1b options for state hospital, seconded. Task Force should still have money to meet. Estimate received from construction management Carried. Ross: State health facility, additional $25M effective 2016 contingency into health facilities fund; seconded. Carried. Ross: Motion to place $8M in 2016 contingency for savings into UW swimming pool, seconded. Carried. Ross: Motion for Jacoby golf course to use 2016 contingency $1.6M for well, $3.2M for 2015 contingency, seconded. Carried. Harshman: Move to close capital construction, seconded. Carried Harshman: 300 series Nicholas: set aside in 2016 contingency $20M for state complex in Casper, seconded. Carried. Harshman: site selection with appraisals, pending legislative approval. Disposal of some lands disposed of to help defray costs, seconded. Carried. Ross: Motion to create an account for community colleges for matching for stem technical buildings, $20M in 2016 contingency, seconded. Carried. Stubson: Motion to adjust section 331 for Carbon County to amend guarantee from SPRA for one year; seconded. Carried. Nicholas: $30M from 2016 contingency for science initiative, seconded. Carried. Ross: Motion 2016 contingency $1M for matching endowment for public television; seconded. Carried. Stubson: Governor $20M borrowing authority for purposes of firefighting, seconded. Carried. Greear: Backfill cease and transfer program with 2015 contingency, $6.404M, seconded. Carried. Connolly: Motion $15M for local government’s 2016 contingency, seconded. 1/26/2015 3:19:46 PM Failed. Nicholas: Authorize game and fish department to sell forensic building for $4M or greater amount and then construct on existing property in Laramie, modification to existing regional property, seconded. Greear: Lease payments? Burkhart: Part of building leased to department of agriculture? John Kennedy: Game and Fish Department. Have not moved forward yet. 100% of time into remodel work, getting ready for the bid process. Perhaps Wyoming Business Council can give a better explanation. Sean Reese: CEO of Wyoming business council – July 1, 2014 acquisition of property. There is an existing business in Laramie that has incredible potential. We would like to keep that in Laramie. Formerly known as Laramie Technology System. It is the most conducive to this business’s expansion need in the time the business needs. Harshman: We own the building. We will lease it back to them until we sell it to them. Purchased it for 3 million Reese: Correct. Harshman: My main concern is not to get into a net loss to the state. Sell it back, take money back to add on or build a separate lab at game and fish. Reese: community will be made whole in terms of taxes, etc. Safeguards are in place to make game and fish whole. Moniz: See this as a win win for community and state. Amendment adopted. 1/26/2015 3:29:37 PM Stubson: Section 300 along the lines of what was vetoed last year. Money from open positions not be used to increase salaries of existing positions unless approved by Gov (change from last year is approval by Gov) with a report to JAC. Harshman: friendly amendment for quarterly report Richards: we did adopt on Friday, except for quarterly report Stubson: add quarterly report Amendment adopted. 1/26/2015 3:31:11 PM Harshman: fire suppression. I would like to add 3 M more to that account out of 2016 contingency. Ross: I am wondering if the 3 M could be named in an acct named disaster reserve account to not signal to the fed govt. Harshman: agree, how do we work the language Richards: We would create a new account – disaster reserve, with parameters as to how funds are spent and reporting back when the funds are spent Harshman: View it as friendly Greear: We have 14 M. concern is putting additional 3m in will cause? Harshman: Yes, also borrowing authority Burns: Clarification Ross: Disaster reserve account. Burns: Are we defunding fire suppression or moving additional money into disaster relief acct? Greear: limited in scope for fires only Ross: No – any disaster including fire Connolly: first day we denied gov rec to fill disaster fund based on testimony heard. 750,000 denied a few days ago. Harshman: We did. It was to backfill the disaster contingency which is a guard mobilization acct. No science to that number. Fire issue, fire acct. gov 1st request? Richards: just borrowing authority Harshman: appropriated 700,000 out of it. Thinking about back filling other accts. Greear: what we are thinking of doing will cover a whole gambit of disasters. Harshman: augment local govts. State mobilizes and protects the community Ross: 2016 contingency fund Motion adopted. 1/26/2015 3:37:33 PM Ross: question for Don. Federal Medicaid money for tribes. Did we have a provision that if the feds renig on the money we have an option for that? Harshman: I think we did. Let’s make sure. Richards: I do not believe we have such language. There was discussion of non-repayment of state costs, that there would be a trigger. Ross: I move that if fed money is reduced or not available, a trigger that we are not obligated for it. Greear: 5 year program, we only authorized it for the first year? Might mitigate that effect. Motion adopted. 1/26/2015 3:39:44 PM Perkins: Yellowstone River compact. Footnote language. 100,000 can be reduced to 50,000 Richards: The language from Attorney General specified up to 50,000 and limited to claims from MT. Perkins: language is being distributed. Richards: Highlighted is original. Blue portion is the reversion language. Motion adopted. 1/26/2015 3:41:29 PM Ross: ITC – integrated test center. Took money out and used for sage grouse bird fund. Richards: no new revenues, from 1 million energy appropriation gov office. Ross: Move that we delete that. Discussions with the gov. The timing of this could not be worse. In Sept., we find out if it is listed or not. Doing this may signal that we do not have sufficient habitat when we do. It is not about numbers. It is about habitat. Wasserburger: Harshman: Gov.’s opinion that it would send the wrong message because the determination may come this fall. Habitat will not shrink because of this. Gives another option. I see it as a progressive, examining all the options. Connolly: Does your amendment have the matching requirement as the original did? Ross: Delete the amendment in total. Nicholas: I move in favor of the motion. Sage grouse study. It will be an ongoing problem. We can wait a year or two and allow the initiative group to review the science and make a recommendation. Harshman: the numbers are not a problem in Wyoming but it will be an issue for us. Moniz: Can we ask for report, get feedback? If we do nothing, they will do nothing. Nicholas: Ask sage grouse initiative group to provide a report by Nov. Pros and cons of raising them in captivity, scientific information. Harshman: Delete prior amendment from last week. Burns: clarification Harshman: Co-chair’s motion adopted. 1/26/2015 3:48:20 PM Harshman: Add an amendment for report back to JAC, if necessary, how they would breed sage grouse and plan for doing that. Nicholas: Scientific data Harshman: A time we could not fly. We saved the California condors. Motion adopted. Nicholas and Perkins commentary 1/26/2015 3:49:24 PM Perkins: Honor farm issue. Have data that has been put out, as well as photos and language. 1/26/2015 3:58:52 PM Perkins: Explanation of handout. Riverton is landlocked which is why this is important. Money from sale will be used by DOC to buy other appropriate farmland. Concern is that there is no guarantee that they can buy the exact acreage. Would like cushion to not be caught short in buying additional farmland. I think sale will yield more money than anticipated as it will be sold for best use, which could be housing or commercial. Moved, seconded Harshman: We should not sell at a loss so why do we need an appropriation for 250,000? Why isn’t it revenue neutral or we make money? Perkins: There are appraisals out on the land at highest and best use. State cannot sell below appraisal amount. DOC wants cushion for different amount of acreage. Greear: amount? Discussion with Perkins Perkins: There is a land use plan for Riverton. Land will be broken up and sold off. Burkhart: Open land for expansion in Riverton. Why don’t they go after that land? Perkins: Someone has to want to sell. Greear: This is the logical place for the city to grow. Harshman: Motion is adopted. 1/26/2015 4:08:19 PM Stubson: Through section 300, create an FMR holding account in the event unexpected sequestered fmrs come . Nicholas: AML funds as well. Harshman: If something happens, we have taken care of AML language. They too are above the cap so will go into an account 1/3 budget account or 2/3 school account. We do not need to put into our public document. Stubson: That is fine if we are confident it is taken care of. I withdraw the motion Greear: AML funds into an acct with DEQ and will be held. Harshman: Correct 1/26/2015 4:10:48 PM Harshman: natural gas bump, new king in Saudi Arabia. What if money flows in over the CREG estimate? Move to fill sipa account up to 75 million and anything over that to the LSRA. It does not look like we will have one dime but accounting for that eventuality. Moved and seconded Greear: Reason for 75M Harshman: explained logic. Greear: Why not a different method? Harshman: More complex to write, a decision we would make next year. In the past we did 90, 40, 60 lined up in 15. Connolly: I agree with 75 M for the SIPA. If there is remainder why not in budget reserve account, instead of LSRA? So we would have more opportunity to spend it. Harshman: Motion is 75000 in SIPA, remainder in LSRA. Motion adopted. 1/26/2015 4:15:07 PM Next order of business is to plan for what happens if half of contingency comes in so it is prioritization. Prorate or prioritize. I think we do not use prorate. Take a 12 minute break. Don and Dawn get the list. Co-chairs will work with you during the break. Email it out. Recess for 12 minutes. 1/26/2015 4:40:58 PM End of Break. Harshman: live, email from Dawn with all 3 contingencies. I emailed you with a take-off on a sort. Connolly: bottom numbers are not the same on the list Harshman: work conceptually. No order for the agencies. Next column is June 30, 2015. Expenditures on page 2, or category 2 contingent funding possible, column f. Listed by agency. Move that first two on column f are capitol and cease and transfer. Harshman: move find 37 M , then 6.4 Million. Greear: Madison Ross: Gillette second Harshman: Motion is 1 capitol, 2 Gillette Madison, 3 cease and transfer Motion: I move the UW matches be 4th Harshman: 51 M no 47.5 M 1. Athletic funds,2 literacy, 3 high altitude training,4 uncongenial gas Connolly: The UW number 1 priority is retention. I move it above the others. Amendment to the amendment Died for lack of second Harshman: Burns: add high school student summer funds Harshman: friendly amendment. Priority is 4 M for athletic matching; 2.5 for literacy; 20 M for high altitude; 20 M for unconventional oil and gas; 50,000 for high school summer assistance – in that order. Richards: you have to allow the floors to amend. Harshman: Give them their own number Burns: In case of needs, the move of data center Harshman: motion on the floor adopted Stubson: I move relocation costs of herschler 1 m; court mgt 400,000 , capitol construction flex contingency 3.7 M Motion adopted Harshman: I move 2 community college requests of agency 6, NW College then Casper College, move up next on the priority list. Motion adopted Harshman: 830,000 for High bay next. Motion adopted Harshman: 3 M for UW science initiative, 1 M for Tanif job matching funds Stubson: air quality computer development 600,000 I move to amend the motion and put it in before the previous two initiatives. Harshman: Friendly amendment. LSO will get the list Greear: I agree because it is more than paperless initiative. On the Tan if, it is matching funds so prioritizing higher. What about the retention incentives? Harshman: Running it next. So motion is air quality, UW science initiative, Tanif Motion adopted Harshman: 1 million UW retention, agency 66 web redesign 588,000, UW operations and maintenance for 375, UW health and safety 125 Harshman: repeated the order Burkhart: I think the Evansville bridge is higher priority than the website redesign. It is a motion. Harshman: amendment to the amendment is adopted. Harshman: amended amendment is Evansville bridge is 19, website redesign is 20, uw maintenance 21. Uw health and safety is 22. Motion adopted Harshman: rural health clinic next = 23; uw science initiative = 24, agency 32 infrastructure 250,000 = 25 . Agency 45 wyolink authority = 26 Greear: I think the energy producing coalition is more important than wyolink. Motion to move it. I suggest we remove wyolink and put in energy producing coalition Burns: The energy producing states coalition is for membership and attending meetings. Why wouldn’t it come out of management fund?. Why isn’t wyolink more important? Greear: important role in representation in Washington, DC. Burns: I think wyolink is more important Harshman: amendment defeated Harshman: original motion adopted Harshman: propose master’s in education counseling, 90,000, in agency 67 , then agency 3 financial reporting, then agency 3 uniform accounting consultant Burns and Greear discussion Harshman: as restated followed by energy coalition = #30 Motion adopted. Harshman: jacoby golf course is only thing left Burns: 2.3 M vs 1.6 difference in category 1 and 3 Harshman: drilling of a well vs putting in a new sprinkling system. Next year is curb, gutter, paving and moving maintenance building . That is the 1.6+ Harshman: motion on 2.3 M Jacoby – adopted Harshman: 3.8 M left over, looking at your list. 1/26/2015 5:06:04 PM Stubson: I move that any items contingently funded for 2015 that are not funded be moved to the top of 2016 funding in the same order they are on the list. First to be funded in 20146 Harshman: seconded and friendly amendment to fall in behind capitol payment and passing lanes ( the top 2 in the 2016) Stubson: friendly amendment Greear: pave the parking lot at Jacoby before we save for health? Harshman: No. Stubson motion. Motion adopted 1/26/2015 5:08:51 PM Prioritizing the next list Stubson: Next in priority list is research aircraft Harshman: 250 M motion adopted Ross: That would be #3. I move #4 science initiative; #5 cc stem; #6 Casper state building Perkin: I would move up the Evansville bridge. Ross: Restated list Harshman: Motion adopted 1/26/2015 5:11:09 PM Harshman: Evansville bridge, state health facilities, corbet pool Burns: air service #9 Harshman: friendly amendment. bridge; health facilities; air service; pool. Motion is adopted. Harshman: Wilson road 100,000; industrial park savings acct, fire suppression acct, public tv, jacoby 1.6 Richards: missing wildlife trust Harshman: Wilson road, industrial park; fire suppression disaster acct, public tv match, wildlife natural resources trust acct, jacoby 1.6 M Motion adopted. 1/26/2015 5:14:20 PM Richards: conforming language to the concepts and proposed amendments. Harshman: So moved, seconded and adopted Harshman: remind us of what will happen in the next week. Remind members on the floor to give you space as well. Richards: We would appreciate that but recognize business continues. We came in on Sunday. There were 20 legislative requests submitted just yesterday. Harshman: Mr. Co-chair. I am going to mention that. Nonrelated to budget bill. Ross: for bills? Richards: some for budget talking points. Richards: 2 days to write up, 2 dozen amendments today we did not have language for. Dawn puts the numbers in the table. I write the narrative. Debbie puts it into bill form. LSO legal reviews, matt Orbrecht. Then to you. It is difficult to give the public notice if you begin early in the week. We bring it to you probably Friday and you have tweeks to the language, will catch over the weekend and then put out next week on the website and for floor debate. Original schedule was COW next Friday. Schedule is in flux. We will get it to you as soon as we can. Harshman: Important to stay with our original schedule. Weekend of 6th to look at. 9th COW, Tuesday . 11th is final day of third reading in house of origin so no budget activity. Third reading on Thursday the 12th then go into 4 day break. Trying to rush it up a week. Complaint of rushing it. Colleagues want time to look at it. Ross: I have talked to the floor leadership about it also. We may have to come in at 7:30. Wasserburger: no microphone Harshman: Some want us to start a week from today. Original plan was the 6th. Let’s stay with our original plan. Perkins: Harshman: amendments for second amendments at 5:00 on Monday night and Wednesday the 11th for third reading. Thank you to the staff, gov staff, LSO staff, members, lobbyists. Ross: Thank Dawn, Don, staff, secretaries for hard work and senators and representatives as I endeavor to co-chair this committee. I think we have done a great job of working together. Harshman: senate crammed us down 3 times. We did not cram down on them once. Special thanks to secretaries. They are here before we arrive and after we leave. Richards: Final vote Harshman: Final vote is majority of each house. Last time together will be the vote then we will be JCC. Adjourned 1/26/2015 5:24:18 PM