JAC Index 011916pm1 Budget Markup Motion is Governor’s recommendation. Amendments may be made to the recommendation Voice Vote -show of hands if called for. Chairman of the Day is Co-Chairman Ross. Format will be page, Agency , Division, Unit number. 1/19/2016 1:03:59 PM Meeting called back to order. Richards: Starting at 465 under water, now at 410M Harshman: We will move 90M in locals out of there. Cap con. Couple of big junks will move out. Greear: 90 for locals and how much for cap con. Harshman: About 83 in governor’s letter Richards: About 87.5 and 90M for local negative 410 M includes statutory reserve of 104M. 1/19/2016 1:06:58 PM Ross: Agency 004 state treasurer Page 11,division 0100, unit 0101, Burns: Exception request, priority #2 banking fees. Ross: priority 1 is in a different unit, 601 page 25 manager fees Ross: page 13 Burns: Banking fees, narrative says limited number of banks can handle the necessary volume. Perkins: in the investment arm, it comes out of the revenues that are generated. It is netted out. Hibbard: Harshman: priority 4 on page 13 Salary increase, just one position to receive pay increase. Perkins: Harshman: move to deny priority 4 Ross Richards: Governor did not rec. He passed it along. In table he denied it. If you do nothing, it will not be put in. Burns: Do we need to act on priority 2 on page 13. Ross: Gov rec approval of this. Burns: Harshman: Gov rec is on the table Richards: Committee asked staff to bring to your attention for effort on public education for the constitutional amendment. Ross: Priority 5 is IT equipment Hibbard: History. “Administrative’ equipment was cut in half. For high speed, necessary equipment, it was not cut. Ross: Gov approved LSRA and further reduction of GF. Richards: prior motion, 21366 will become GF, add that then reduce by 9. Connolly: reduce the 21300 by 9, bringing it to 12 Yes Hibbard: Asking for 21366 out of total request. Harshman: Table on bottom of page. Ross: Motion adopted Harshman: Bottom of page for cell phone monthly charges. Page 15. Hibbard: object code is 0403 – programming costs, not cell phones Harshman: So cellular monthly charges are incorrectly coded? Hibbard: We will follow up on that. Harshman: Make note of that to revisit. Ross: unit 0301 -Veterans’ tax exemption Perkins: move to remove the veteran’s tax exemption. Second Ross: priority 7 Harshman: 10M Burkhart: Intention to eliminate it out of statute? Perkins: Reimbursement for counties. Does Matt know if this is mandatory requirement under the statute? Will find out Hibbard: If counties give out this exemption, they will not get reimbursed. It will be a shift. Perkins: Intention is not to shift to the counties but to eliminate this program. Harshman: Veteran’s honorably discharged, 3 year residents, 20,000 recipients. Is there some other number than zero, is there a pro rata? Obrecht: You cannot remove without a statutory change Perkins: motion withdrawn. Harshman: Stubson: Language that says people are entitled to receive. Burns: Program has expanded. Times of service added, as well as beyond 3 years and widows for the remainder of their lives, then expanded to all veterans for their lifetime Hibbard: Effective immediately request. Burns: Did not have to be a Wyoming resident when you served. Ross: Hands tied for the budget. Motion adopted. 1/19/2016 1:25:57 PM Managers payments unit 0601 Adopted Unit 0603 WyoStar page 31 Adopted Nicholas: Did not specifically address, page 26 priority 4 for 63000. Perkins: Where are we at? Richards: By the absence of a recommendation, he has denied it. Ross: unit 0801 Unclaimed property No governor recommendation Burns: are we approving the IT hardware? Ross; Yes Motion passed, adopted Unit 2001 – Indian Motor vehicle exemption Burkhart: is that statutory? Obrecht: We will have to find out. Stubson: language says qualifying people are exempt from the fees. Burkhart: by statute they are exempt. By statute, do we have to reimburse the counties? Perkins: yes. Burns: people who live on reservation Hibbard: effective immediately Gov rec adopted. Close Treasurers office – Richards: Footnotes from previous year. Footnote 2: Some risk with respect to infringement on executive duties. Limited salaries of investment executives. Obrecht: We would caution that footnote would have issues under separation of powers. Ross: Footnote does not carry over. Motion to close 004- adopted 1/19/2016 1:34:08 PM Agency 005 – Superintendent of public instruction Page 9 unit 0101 Harshman: Entire unit is transfers, correct. Pg 11. Decrease of 2M for 7 positions, will keep a few positon until the end of the budget Richards: technically how it should work. They can’t move them before that. If so, they would violate the 10% flexibility authority. Harshman: Have they been moved? Hibbard: no transfers yet Joyce: requesting through the budget Burkhart: Notes on position 0043 was vacant and moved. Federal position. Harshman: Burns: In our purview to move these employees? Harshman: Dividing duties of superintendent, new agency 206 for appointed superintendent. Easier to move agency 005 into unit 206 than the other way Burns: In light of management information, is this constitutional? At the end of the cycle, do they all move back? Richards: This is a transfer of position for accounting purposes. Ross; Gov rec unit 0101 is adopted. Unit 0201 teacher of the year adopted Motion to close is adopted 1/19/2016 1:41:26 PM Agency 006 Administration and information Unit 2001 page 13 Operations priority #2 position transfer from public defenders’ office, gov approval. Priority 4 for safety needs, 5 for training requests, 6 equipment purchase replacement, Gov. approved through the LSRA, (130 computers) Perkins: page 15, priority 5. Move to reduce by 50% Harshman: Further amend and take it to zero. Friendly amendment. Motion is to deny priority 5. Burns: against, OSHA compliance Ross: that is priority 4. Motion to deny priority 5 adopted. Nicholas: Move to make priority 4 one time funding. Person trained becomes trainer. Hibbard: agree. Second Ross: Move to make safety needs one time funding adopted. Burkhart: page 16 priority 6 move to reduce to 100,000 Second Burkhart: request for numerous pieces of computer, tablets, monitors, computers. Can keep stockpile on hand to replace worn out equipment than replace all. Hibbard: 3 letters to state agencies. AandI followed on first and second letter to reduce ask. Governor believes it is a need. Ross; Reduce from 222,000 to 100,000 Connolly: change to 150,000 Burkhart: friendly amendment Ross: motion to cut to 150,000 priority 6 GF passes Gov rec as amended for unit 2001 adopted Unit 2301 Professional licensing boards - gov. rec approved Unit 2302 Licensing board legal – gov rec adopted Unit 2501 budget division – gov rec adopted Unit 3001 – page 34 – procurement - gov red adopted and passed Unit 3004 surplus property – Perkins: Unit 3004 passed and adopted Unit 3005 risk management section Stubson: move to amend on code 254, page 39, to reduce that line item by #3m. Move to do it by $4M Hibbard: if intent is a GF reduction, think of it as a revenue, not expenditure. Greear: Agrees with explanation, needs to come out of std. budget Ross: 9.7M GF on page 38 Harshman: reduce the standard by 1M Richards: This unit reverts 2M or more in the last biennium. This is the line item from which the GPS initiative is being paid out of. If you reduce the 4M, and there is a catastrophic problem, agency can do a B11 or supplemental or emergency request in the next session. Stubson: My goal is to cut the GF expenditure by the $4m. Where would that motion need to be made? Perkins: Excess capability in the fund, trying to reduce the GF expenditure and leave the authority to be able to pull funds out Greear: Drop GF by $m, leave the authority; add another line to have differential come out of that funding source. So it is a revenue source Richards: Reduce $4m, 5006 is the special revenue code. Stubson: amend motion to reflect that Harshman: reduces Standard budget GF by $4M. How much is in the pool? 52M. Could potentially reduce it by the 4M. Burkhart: Restrict money being spent on GPS units? Not part of this motion Ross: Motion adopted Burkhart: line 254, any monies for a statewide GPS system in state vehicles be reduced to zero. Obrecht: I think it is appropriate condition to be placed. Ross: We never approved it. They just did it. Obrecht: They do not have explicit statutory authority to do it. Hibbard: Conversation is necessary. Risk manager reviewed savings to the state of Wyoming by tracking these vehicles. Not allowing it to happen is to expose Wyoming to more risk. Harshman: Half a million dollars, should have sought authorization. Hibbard: We will work on that. If you plug in GPS, will give you a discount on your insurance. Burkhart: I disagree with that. I have administered 3 programs. Big brother watching state employees. Ross: Add a footnote to cease and desist the GPS. Gov rec as amended, approved and passed Unit 3007 Central mail adopted Unit 3017 central mail postage adopted Unit 3022 vehicle replacement, depreciation reserve Harshman: Mileage piece Hibbard: can get information, all agencies? Harshman: is this 100 vehicles the biggest chunk? Hibbard: About half. Will get the information Ross: Harshman: GF coming out of travel budget Greear: drop by $1M, give them flexibility to run to x mileage. Hibbard: All money is not GF. Federal grant money Burns: Just the state vehicles that are going to be replaced in this biennium. Hibbard: yes, depreciable life Burns: this x number needed ? Hibbard: if that is what the book says Nicholas: put a number on it, transfer over into the GF? Harshman: Already reduced it by 10%. How much in the account? Ross: 7.5 M in my notes Nicholas: I move to reduce the account down to $5M Hibbard: Caution, account balance is built with allocation of revenues. Federal funds associated with it. Don’t know if we can reach in and take the money out. Ross: Hearing no second to the motion. Perkins: out of the motor vehicle, costs in and out. For permanently assigned vehicles, is that where? Hibbard: Start trades at about 90,000, happens at about 100,000 Burkhart: I will second the motion. Ross: increase the mileage by 5000 miles on each vehicle, seconded Harshman: Is the current 100,000? I move to amend to move it to 120,000 mileage. Ross: Friendly amendment. Obrecht: Caution Ross: Caution to return at round robin Harshman: Moving the mileage is one more year on these vehicles. Hastert: Maintenance information. Greear: It says mileage or general condition. How do we get it to the GF? Lower the spending authority by 1M, give them flexibility to do what they want with the vehicles. Perkins: Amendment up to 120,000 but condition justifies replacement. Nicholas: Encompasses the language. Ross: Motion adopted. Hibbard: Permanently assigned vehicles flow through motor vehicle. Connolly: will increasing the life of the vehicle increase the GF? Richards: No Greear: spending request of 16.257M get reduced by 1 M and move 1M from the depreciation reserve account to the GF. Burns: included deleting the previous motion? Greear: I don’t care Hibbard: I caution against that. We will be kicking back a check to the federal government. Nicholas: How difficult would it be to find out vehicles funded by GF? Ross: Motion failed Unit 3022 – Motion gov rec as amended adopted 1/19/2016 2:18:59 PM Break 1/19/2016 2:30:30 PM Unit 3051 AandI, Gov rec passed Unit 3052 Administration, Gov rec passed Unit 3053 Rockwell building maintenance Burkhart: come under major maintenance No Ross: Unit 3053 adopted Unit 3054 facilities operation adopted Unit 3055 trades management Greear: not subject to the global 5% Perkins: Why not? Ross; Exception requests, not in Std. budget Nicholas: I move to reduce 10% in total Ross: Each priority Second Stubson: not just 900 series, Nicholas: pages 62 and 63, the entire amount. Ross: unit amendment passed Unit 3055 as amended adopted Unit 3056 utilities Stubson: code 203 reduced by 350,000. Testimony is they expect to revert at end of biennium Ross: amend the motion to change to 500,000 Stubson: friendly amendment Ross: adopted Unit 3056 as amended adopted Unit 3401 construction management adopted Unit 3402 Community colleges adopted Harshman: Position? Perkins: done a year ago, moving position Ross: unit 3453 real property rental, adopted Unit 3CAP – capitol restoration Burns: reminder Ross: Time limited positions to assist with renovation Stubson: working on temporary facilities work. Ross: Suzanne Norton, gov rec adopted Unit 3501 operations in human resources – gov rec adopted Richards: We are following by the tables, not the narratives. Governor reduced without explanation Harshman: Intern program Unit 3508 distance learning gov rec adopted Unit 3509 market policy update adopted Unit 3503 human resources training adopted Unit 3801 administrative services have exception requests. Passed and adopted Unit 3817 – employee life insurance – passed and adopted Unit 3818 – Employee health ins. – passed Unit 3819 – Employee dental health ins. –adopted Unit 3830 – Voluntary insurance – adopted Unit 3850 - Flexible benefits plan – adopted Unit 4501 – economic analysis general – adopted Unit 4502 – economic analysis – passed and adopted Unit 6010 – state library division Connolly: page 118, object code 0902, increase by $30,000, second, failed Unit 6010 – adopted Unit 6011 – Library – adopted Unit 6012 – state library federal funds – adopted Unit 6013 – zeroed out – adopted Motion to close Agency 006 – adopted 1/19/2016 2:48:05 PM Richards: Can go page by page; pass in block or with a consent list. Harshman: I would move all of 006A to a consent list. Second, adopted Ross: Anyone wishes to remove one from the consent list. Don, any flagged for you. Consent list, adopted Motion to close 006A, adopted 1/19/2016 2:50:14 PM Harshman; Move to put 006B on consent list, second, adopted Ross: Any who wishes to remove board from consent list? Burkhart: move to remove 019 professional Teaching Standard Board Richards: Clarification – table is wrong for pharmacy, will follow table, not the narrative. Consent list adopted Burkhart: Board with AWAC positions not correctly authorized. Wanted to convert one to a full time employee. Money out of board fees. I think it sets a precedence to allow them to do this. Deny exception request on page 11. Seconded Discussion: Burns: Would cost someone their job. Burkhart: does not eliminate the position, just eliminate the full time position, leaves the people here Connolly: Resist this motion; Notes indicate a need for the switch. Perkins: page 8 narrative – self funded, run by board, Ross: Motion failed. Agency 19 adopted Motion to close 006B adopted 1/19/2016 2:56:10 PM Agency 007 – military department - Richards: Normal process is to get through agency 45 – not possible. Flexibility on Thursday and Friday. Agency 007 – unit 0101 state affairs page 16 – adopted Unit 0103 – Educational assistance – page 23 – adopted Unit 0107 – SGLI premium –adopted Unit 0111 – first responder retirement – adopted Unit 0201 – air national guard – adopted Unit 0203 - Starbase – adopted Unit 0302 – Billeting Fund 476 – adopted Unit 0401 - Army national guard – adopted Unit 0405 – page 59 – Challenge program – adopted Unit 0501 – Veterans Retiree Council – adopted Unit 0502- Veterans education – adopted Unit 0503 – Veterans commission has exception requests – priority 3, 11, 17. Burns: I recommend denial of gov rec on priority 3 and 11. No second on priority 3. Perkins: priority 3 – passenger car issue on page 72 – Burns: We are slashing other budgets. Why are we adding another person with all the benefits, etc. Burkhart: Last time, they said if you give us these two, we won’t need any more and here they are. Question on some of the charges. Perkins: narrative, asking for amount for contract employee as an alternative. Burns: VOA of Rocky Mountain just received a $5m grant. Seems like there would be overlap Burns: renew motion to deny governor rec on priority 3 Burkhart: clarification, priority 3 and 11? Do they want both or one or the other? Ross: motion adopted to deny priority 3. Burns: move to deny priority 11 Second Burns: Narrative – advocate to pursue Wyoming veterans claims. Only asking for Cheyenne VA. Shrinking budgets Harshman: Have we approved this in the past as one time funding? Yes Harshman: If we don’t take it out, it will roll into the std. budget or put in parameters. Connolly: part of GF provision is part of an MU at VA to continue services. Agar: I only have antidotal information Hibbard: reframe question Connolly: restated question. If we eliminate this, will we stop leveraging the help going to the veterans now Harshman: I move to amend the motion to change the gov rec to one time funding. Second Burns: on and against the amendment. Narrative is not clear where this money is going. Perkins: on and in favor of the amendment, pursue veteran’s claims at the VA. Additional money comes into Wyoming system to support vets and Wyoming spending. Increasing population of veterans. If we do not do this, no resources to appeal if these claims are denied. Ross: approved – one time deal Perkins: 140,000 for contract money to fill position in Uinta and Lincoln County Motion failed. Burkhart: page 74, priority 17, reduce by one computer system, 2530 dollars, Second Burkhart: for the mobile work stations, etc. for that one unit. Motion adopted. Burns: Can we add language for Sheridan VA hospital? Obrecht: Getting prescriptive with the way the money is being spent. Perkins: Can we say that it applies to all Wyoming veterans or all veteran service centers? Obrecht: all veteran service centers Motion, second, Nicholas: In opposition, we do not know if they have one in Sheridan. Perkins: That is why you broaden it, under control of commission Failed Unit 0503 as amended, adopted Unit 0504 – Veterans burial teams - passed Perkins: Have there been reversions in the past year? Richards: I don’t think so Perkin: move to exempt from 5% reduction Second and adopted Unit 0514 gov rec as amended adopted Unit 0505 veterans’ museum Burkhart: computers for the museum. Move to eliminate 3700 dollars, change to zero. Motion failed Unit 0505 Gov rec adopted Unit 0601 Oregon trail vets cemetery adopted Unit 0702 – Training and non-emergent missions adopted Unit 0801 – Wyoming civil air patrol – adopted Motion to close Williams: Footnotes Richards: page 5 and all of page 6 – particular attention to 1, 4 and 7. Footnote 3 has had additional work done so it is no longer necessary. Harshman: eliminate 7 Perkins: 4 is on federally funded firefighting positions, leave intact. Number 1, I am drawing a blank on. Nicholas: We just added 1 federally funded position in budget. Harshman: move to carry a and 4 forward Motion adopted Obrecht: Footnote 4 is flagged as problematic, could be considered substantive law. Perkins: Restrict use of funds? Obrecht: Could be considered an executive branch decision and substantive law Harshman: They brought the language to us. Perkins: wanted to be part of mutual aid grants. Obrecht. Can figure out better wording Harshman: My amendment is priority 1 and reconstitute 4 with language change. Passed Close agency 007 Motion adopted. 1/19/2016 3:28:20 PM Break. 1/19/2016 3:37:55 PM 008 Office of the Public Defender Unit 0101, Public Defenders Statewide. Gov rec, page 20, exception request. Connolly: page 16, reject governor recommendation and add 2 attorneys and 1 legal assistant, seconded. Failed. Connolly, page 20, denial of governor recommendation for 4 potential new capital cases, seconded. Failed. Burns: Exception request 7, denial of governor’s recommendation, seconded. Passed. Gov rec, as amended, adopted. Unit 0201, Guardian Ad Litem, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0401, Court Ordered Capital Case. Gov rec. Connolly: reduce governor recommendation by 90%, seconded. Failed. Nicholas: motion that funds appropriated be matched by county 10%, seconded. Failed. Adopted. Motion to close Agency 008, passed. Agency 009, Wyoming Pipeline Authority Unit 0101. Administration, gov rec. adopted. Motion to close agency 009. Adopted. Agency 010, Department of Agriculture Unit 0101, Administration, gov rec. Adopted Unit 0102, Board of Agriculture, gov rec. adopted. Unit 0105, Brucellosis Task Force, gov rec. adopted. Unit 0121, Pesticide Disposal, gov rec. adopted. Unit 0131, Research Partnership, gov rec. adopted. Unit 0204, Livestock Market Reporting, gov rec adopted. Unit 0302, Consumer Health Services, gov rec Burkhart: instate travel be reduced $20,000, seconded. Failed. Adopted. Unit 0303, Technical Services. Gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0304, Analytical Services, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0311, Seed Lab – Park County, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0312, Groundwater SMP, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0313, ADMB-Rabies, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0315, Rodent & Predator Control, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0316, Grain Warehouse, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0317, Animal Damage Management Program, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0318, CHS Food License, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0319, Pool/SPA License, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0371, APHIS Homeland Security, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0401, Natural Resource Services, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0451, EIMP, gov rec. Adopted. 0601, Pesticide Registration Program, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0801, State Fair Operations, exception requests. Harshman Williams: 2 enterprise accounts, state fair and non-state fair. $200,000 and $1M balances Harshman: Priority 1, half GF, one-time; non-fair account, half motion, seconded. Adopted. Burns: deny entire amount for Priority 3, seconded. Failed. Harshman: split $200,000 with general fund and a state fair account, spent equally, seconded. Passed. Ross: gov rec, as amended, adopted. Unit 0803, Non-Fair Time Account, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 1401, Highway Weed and Pest, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 1501, Predator Management, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 1601, Beef Council, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 1801 – Wheat Marketing Commission, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 1901, Dry Bean Commission, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 2201, Leaf Cutter Bee, gov rec. Adopted. Perkins: Cut grants and aids in general fund by 5% to Agency 10, seconded. Greear to remove unit 1501, seconded. Failed. Motion passed. Motion to close agency 10. Carried. Agency 011, Department of Revenue Unit 0101, Administration, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0102, Streamlined Sale Tax Project, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0103, Administrative Services. Exception request, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0105, Information Technology Division, exception request Nicholas motion to make one-time funding, seconded. Passed. Nicholas Unit 0103, reduce gov rec by 1491, seconded. Adopted. Unit 0105, gov rec, adopted. Unit 0201, Excise Tax Division, gov rec. Burkhart, code 0204, reduce to $200,000, seconded. Passed. Gov rec, as amended. Adopted. Unit 0285, Mineral Tax Division, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0301, Property Tax Division, exception request, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0303, Property Tax Refund Program. Harshman: if reduced, goes to pro rata? Obrecht: latitude to fund or not. Nicholas motion to deny gov rec and reduce funding to $1M, seconded. Burkhart amendment to defund program, seconded. Amendment passed. Gov rec, as amended adopted. Unit 0501, Administration - Liquor, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0502, Alcohol Server Training Program, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0601, Liquor Sales and Purchases, gov rec. Adopted. 0701, General Fund Transfers. Gov rec. Adopted. Motion to close agency 011 passed. Agency 014, Miners’ Hospital Board Unit 0101, Miners Hospital Board Administration, gov rec. Income fund for agency budget. Adopted. Motion to close agency 014, passed. 1/19/2016 4:48:03 PM Break 1/19/2016 5:01:24 PM Agency 015 Attorney General Unit 0101, Law Office, gov rec. Richards: footnote of uranium council, once stood up the miners would pay all costs. Nicholas motion to priority 13, reversions to reduce to $500,000, seconded. Approved. Greear: uranium footnote, converted to special funds once…., seconded. Passed. Harshman: page 22, school foundation program, 1 attorney and 1 aid funded with 33% monies in AG Office. Burkhart: page 18 and page 22, different numbers. Harshman: Motion to correct error of $24,187, second. Adopted. Gov rec, as amended, adopted. 0101, Law Office, Yellowstone River Compact Litigation, $316,000 previously appropriated funds. Remaining $100,000 to general fund, second. Greear motion to amend that $316,000 would revert in 2018, seconded. Amendment adopted. Motion passed. Gov rec, as amended, adopted. Unit 0102, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0115, School Funding Equity Litigation, gov rec. Harshman: 900 series of $500,000. Not routinely used. Motion to reduce to $100,000 and return to school foundation funds, seconded. Adopted. Gov rec, amended, adopted. Unit 0117, Tobacco. Gov rec. Adopted. Burkhart: 901, 902 amend to $200,000, second. Failed. Unit 0130, Consumer Protection. Gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0140, Medicaid/Health Reimbursable Costs, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0301, Criminal Investigations, gov rec. exception requests. Burns motion to deny Priority 5, second. Failed. Connolly: motion for mileage to be 120,000 for replacement; second. Carried. Gov rec as amended. Adopted. Unit 0302, Crime Lab, gov rec. Burns motion to reduce robots to 1, seconded. Failed. Adopted. Unit 0303, Criminal Justice Information System, gov rec. Exception request, Harshman amend that switch be bought only if fail, second. Adopted. Gov rec as amended, passed. Unit 0304, Meth Initiative, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0327, Justice Assistance Grant, gov rec. Adopted. Unit 0329, Internet Crimes against Children, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0330, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0340, Asset Forfeiture Projects, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0501, Law Enforcement Academy, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0504, WLEA Canteen, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0505, Advanced Training, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0506, Pre Service Program, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0507, Facility Usage, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0508, Frangible Ammunition, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0601, Peace Officer Standards and Training. Exception request, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0701, Medical Review Panel, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0901, Victim Services Division, Surcharge, gov rec. Passed. Unit 0902, DVS, Conferences, gov rec, Passed. Unit 0906, Domestic Violence, gov rec, passed. Unit 0907, Child Advocacy Center, gov rec, passed. Unit 0910, Victim Witness Funding, gov rec, passed. Unit 0915, DVS Administration, gov rec, Harshman, page 120, deny gov rec, seconded. passed. Adopted as amended. Unit 0920, Service Provider Salaries, gov rec, Adopted. Unit 9001, Family Violence Prevention, gov rec, adopted. Unit 9002, VOCA Assistance grant, gov rec, adopted. Unit 9003, VOCA Compensation Grant, gov rec, adopted. Unit 9004, VAWA, Violence Against Women, gov rec, passed Unit 9005, PHBG, gov rec, passed Unit 9006, DVS, gov rec, passed. Unit 1105, Development Disabilities, gov rec, Greear, motion to cut 20% in out-of-state travel funds, second. Passed. Gov rec, as amended, adopted. Nicholas: Footnotes? Richards: time limited. Agency 015 closed, passed. 1/19/2016 5:59:34 PM Break 1/19/2016 6:06:22 PM Chairman Ross: Agency 020 – DEQ Unit 0101, Administration, Gov rec adopted Unit 0102, Information Technology – gov rec adopted Unit 0201, Air Quality – Greear: Move position from land quality to air quality with corresponding reduction, Priority 7 Burkhart: could you replace funds? Richards: Burkhart’s question Harshman: Richards: All new AML fund for WYDot Harshman: carryon of previous authorizations Richards: no – Harshman: not coved by governor letter Richards: All of his recommended uses of AML are for DOT in his gov letters. Replacement of funds Connolly: Gov letters 7.5M left on the table after the swap with DOT Richards: yes but those are GF so it is the same as approving this request. Harshman: Greear: Priority 1 – borrowing had been done previously and we are backfilling now. Will show back up again. Burns: What is this money for? Narrative is for operations but it is 900 series Greear: Read explanation – 1.2M became part of the standard budget but the 1.8 borrowed from AML in prior budget. Will see adjustment in the orphan site program. Does that qualify for in lieu funds? Richards: That is my understanding of the DEQ testimony. Prior balance funds Perkins: Now expired. If you do not do this they would be short the 1.8M. Burns: If it is just for general operations, why is this 900 series, professional services? Hibbard: 901 would be contracts that DEQ hires to assist. Burns: Under air quality, not orphan sites Ross: Priority 2 – Perkins: Title 5 funds, reserve is unappropriated at this time. Perkins: I move that on priority 2, as a condition of using the clean power plant, if the stay before the court is granted and applies to Wyoming, condition that these funds would not be used until the stay is lifted. Ross: Plan by September Burkhart Perkins: modify amendment, LOTUS, overall stay. Requirement for plan will be stayed also Orbrecht: if federal court implements a stay for the clean power plan. Don’t be a roadblock in. Perkins: I will remove the motion. Ross: unit 0201 Perkins: Page 27, object code funding with 300,000 of GF, be replaced with drawdown of Title 25 funds Stubson: On and against the motion. There are non – title 25 that benefit from this work. Apportionment of these funds. Greear: Explanation. Department 50% split Perkins: Withdrew motion Ross; unit 0201 adopted Unit 0301 – water quality division- Stubson: page 36, priority 4 pavilion study, move to one time funding. Harshman: work is done, so I move to cut this by 50,000. Withdrawn Ross: one time funding Harshman: All GF- Nicholas: move to cut by 100,000 Second Ross: Motion failed Moniz; Do we need to change 901 to 903 Ross: Implicit in the motion Unit 0401 – Land Quality – Funding Shift – gov rec adopted Richards: voted on 0301, did not vote on changes Unit 0301 gov rec as amended adopted Unit 0401 – gov rec adopted Unit 0501 – industrial siting division – adopted Unit 0601 – solid and hazardous waste – gov rec adopted Unit 0701 – Uranium Mining and Milling – gov rec Greear: same thing as AG office on the stand up, footnote for positions moved to this are transferred to special revenue. I think 6 positions plus transfer for 3 more. Special revenue instead of GF. I move a similar footnote. Second Amendment adopted Gov rec as amended passed Unit 0801 – Landfills – Stubson- Transferring funds from landfill to cease and transfer. What unit? Richards: previously in a section 300 Harshman: Orphan site possibly also Gov rec adopted Unit 4401 – Abandoned mine reclamation – adopted Close agency 020 adopted. Agency 021 – Department of Audit Unit 0101 – Administration- Gov rec adopted Unit 0201 – Division of banking – gov rec Harshman: mistake: page 23, 80,000 should be 120,000 under current year recovery Hibbard: I believe the discussion was to remove 40,000 from x and place in current year recovery Ross: Is it already taken care of in this? Nicholas: so moved Seconded Vote Unit 0201 as amended adopted Unit 0203 Banking Board approved Unit 0301 public funds division Greear: Unit 0301 approved Unit 0401 Mineral audit division –approved and adopted Greear: On unit 0401 these are GF dollars on a portion, we have a large out of state travel. 10% reduction. I move for an additional 10% reduction on the out of state travel Second Stubson: It is not just travel, it is rent for temporary space. On and against the amendment Ross: amendment failed Unit 0401 adopted Unit 0501 Excise tax division – gov rec Harshman: exception request on bottom of page 41 – all one time funding? Gov rec – unit 0501 adopted Motion to close agency 021 – adopted 1/19/2016 6:37:30 PM Agency 023 – Public service commission Unit 0101 – administration- gov rec adopted Unit 0201 – Consumer advocate division – gov rec approved Unit 0601 – Universal service fund – approved Motion to close public service commission. Unit 023 is closed Tomorrow morning is state parks Adjourned until 8 am tomorrow morning 1/19/2016 6:39:29 PM