JAC Agency Hearings JAC Index 12 -16 -16am1 Friday, December 16, 2016 Agenda: AM 007 – Military Department 067 – University of Wyoming 167 – UW Medical Education 069 – WICHE 12/16/2016 8:06:55 AM Chairman of the Day: Sen Ross. Roll Call; Quorum established. 12/16/2016 8:08:20 AM 007- Military Department Gen Luke Reiner, TAG, Deployed: 63 in Kuwait, 33 in Kuwait, 30 in Afghanistan. Shope, Deputy, pg. 9, vacant position records clerk and engineering manager, Pg. 10, reductions, rate holiday, Pg. 13, SGLI reimbursements, completely defunded, Reiner: cuts discussion Shope: Pg. 15, Unit 0111, defunded. $20K left for current deployees. Burkhart: in state travel? Shope: Staff to travel for deployments; Pg. 18, Unit 201, rate holiday Burns: State employees? Large 200 series vs 100 series Shope: yes, 1,2011 in AG, Pg. 22, no reductions except rate holiday; Pg.26 Vets Commission, 1 reduction for travel, rate holiday; Pg. 30, vet burial team, $100/team, reduce to $80 if cuts needed; Landen: Vet retroactive payment? Shope: file may have been for retroactive payments, benefits. Burns: Vets commission out of state travel – one-time expense? Bartlebort: Send service officers to national level training, AL, VFW; yearly requirement; Reiner: Payout allocation down then figure it out or reduce payout (statutorily set at $100) 12/16/2016 8:33:50 AM Shope: Pg. 32, rate holiday; Harshman: WY vet museum, 1 ½ employees, move into 2 full time positions – reallocation, realignment, state parks and cultural resources position, museums within the state discussion Shope: Pg 36, Vets Oregon trail cemetery, 2 positions, cut one, backfilled from somewhere else, Pg. 27, rate holiday, Pg. 42, training budget, Pg. 45 Civil Air Patrol, cut 410K. Stubson: how many kids come through camp/year and go onto be pilots? Reiner: Search and Rescue, cadet training, not tracked as to where the kids go; approximately 50 – 60 kids/year. Larsen: CAP training only in Casper/ Reiner: split across state into Wings; responsible for training with in areas. Once a year, come to Guernsey for flight opportunities. 7 Aircraft used for search and rescue, crew of 3 or 4, $150/hour to use. Schwartz: Local funding? Line item within one county Reiner: possibly appropriating funds for training within their area. Sommers: Youth Challenge program, school foundation $ used Reiner: Yes it’s the Guards; Legislation moved from 2 starts a year to 4 starts a year, high return on investment for at risk kids; full time staff of 45, efficiencies-not every bed filled, trying to find HS dropouts to help; get kids who need that school into the school, non-Wyoming kids attend, funding federal & state $’s; roughly 25% from out of state. Harshman: accountability to schools to not have a dropout statistic problem to getting kids to YC 12/16/2016 9:15:35 AM Break 12/16/2016 9:26:50 AM 067 – University of Wyoming President Nichols: reduce budget by $42M; FY 17 reduce by $19.3M; 102 vacancies eliminated. Harshman: early retirement incentive? How Many? Teaching course load? Nichols: retire early draw salary plus benefits through December, increased with faculty cut. Mai: 103 took advantage of early retirement, mostly staff vs faculty, conversion of sick leave. Nichols: one time cut $6.5M implementation Mai: I July 2017 implementation date; Nov 2017 fully into implementation, Nichols: $19.3M cut sustainable; FY 18 budget reduction - $10M; strategies: faculty separation incentive; Vacancies: Division reductions, operating efficiencies. Discussion on how faculty can exercise incentive package and danger of shortage for courses, athletics, faculty development for computers, gain efficiencies, redundancies, commitment to staffing at CC’s, Section 1 funds, revenue growth plan, section 1 state aid, tuition, FMR. Section 2 – self-supporting budgeting process, fees, mandatory student fees – transportation fee- buses, residence life and dining fees, Section 3 – research and contract $s, general fund money vs federal funds – combined or broke out. Landen: separation incentive – 2018 offer different from 2017? Nichols: Longer window of opportunity to decide, departments have more time to reconsider teaching load for remaining faculty, paying 3 more months than last time. Pg. 5 and 6 of handout, endowment issues; not built into current budget reduction but Wyoming Excellence Chairs still need to be paid; 12/16/2016 10:19:15 AM Realized capital gains; contingency consideration needs to be given this session. Revenue Growth Plan - trying to drive up retention rate for students; all growth plan items will be on going; 75 incentive takers first time around. Harshman: enrollment numbers? Nichols; fall registration numbers down, priority - growing enrollment, reasons-budget reduction, recruitment efforts down, late charge to ramp up recruitment efforts; School of Energy Resources: 9 vacancies eliminated; reduce up front money to centers for excellence, grant funding up due to carbon dioxide management, rare earth elements research, carbon engineering, US/China research grant; $2 -3M not in research budget; reduce $ for graduate students from standard budget, enrollment down; unsure career path in energy, high bay 95% complete; integrated test center, intellectual property ownership. Mike Peshco, Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences: reductions discussed, positions expiring in 19 and 20, Tier 1 initiative, rebuilt faculty, student services very robust; enrollment discussion; Nichols: SB Pg. 9 – 14, recruitment, dollar value for the education. Landen: Hathaway scholarship – UW helps with deficit 12/16/2016 11:08:05 AM Nichols: 55% of graduates left UW with no student debt; creating additional scholarships Sommers: white paper requested on $475,000 being spent Wilson: student remedial work, out of state students? Nichols: less student need, 10% UW students need remedial classes, nothing on OUS students, Burkhart: why choose out of state U’s Nichols: private education, perception is UW not as strong quality as other U’s, structure of challenging classes; graph on Pg. 11 of SB, dormitories upgrade, off campus residence choices/standards; living on campus correlates to retention; 76% retention rate freshman to sophomores-bump up to 80%, not sure of exit interview; Pg. 31/32, language change, 3rd request-science initiative $500K one time funding (recommended through the Governor’s budget); student scholars who are working on research (stipend), give papers at national meetings pay for travel to those, expose students to diverse nature of research; projected additional 250 students; push back expiration date on grad students money. Mai: Science building; $100M building, schematic design phase. Harshman: research of local kids stay near higher education facility, 1/3 chance of kids returning home, Nichols: offer full ride scholarship to WY students only, offering President scholarships – significant $ ‘s available for school Wilson: don’t be surprised if students go somewhere else, not all want a STEM education 12/16/2016 11:53:07 AM Break 12/16/2016 12:08:32 PM 167 UW Medical Ed Meredith Asay: Dean Joe Steiner; Introduced staff, 4 divisions’ general fund, SB Pg. 10 Larsen: Residency at Life Care and State hospital, this program help that staffing issue? Asay: residencies in family medicine; not psychiatry specific ; every 2 weeks get check for GME funding; income revenue from Casper – info not here will follow up. Asay – Cheyenne clinic – Pg. 15, UW residency program pulling out of Pine Bluffs clinic, Kimball hospital will continue staffing; one-time $350K to construct pharmacy w/I clinic, private hire to run, Casper already does this, UW only runs these 2 clinics; discussion of revenue and expenditures; balance sheets to state – no; Pg. 29, dental contracts, does WY have too many dentists? Underserved areas? Dentists aging out and retiring; 12/16/2016 12:49:15 PM 069 – WICHE Karla Leach – Frank Galey – Governor Appointees to board; $415K reduction. Larsen: Fees required to be paid back, except for veterinarians; Galey: good return on vets staying in Wyoming, policy developed though statute, retention rate on WICHE students – in annual report; 12/16/2016 12:57:45 PM Adjournment