Recommendation Locator TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1

Scope and Methodology


A.  Scope




W.S. 28-8-107 (b) authorizes the Legislative Service Office to conduct program evaluations, performance audits, and analyses of policy alternatives.  Generally, the purpose of such research is to provide a base of knowledge from which policymakers can make informed decisions.


In November 1999, the Management Audit Committee directed staff to undertake a review of the Wyoming State Archives (WSA):  Our research centered around the following questions:


·         How is WSA adapting its policies and services to accommodate the electronic records environment?

·         What training and outreach does WSA provide, and does the training reflect the changing records environment?

·         Do WSA statutes clearly authorize the extent of and limits to  WSA’s responsibilities?

·         Is WSA fully using its micrographics resources to contribute to the efficient and effective management of WSA?

·         Is retention scheduling maximizing the efficient and economical management of non-permanent records?

·         Is WSA fully using all resources available to the program?




B.  Methodology




The procedures used to conduct this review were guided by statutory requirements and professional standards and methods for governmental audits.  Research was conducted from November 1999 to March 2000.


In order to compile basic information about the Wyoming State Archives, we reviewed relevant statutes, statutory history, annual reports, budget documents, strategic plans, previous studies, as well as additional internal documents.  We toured WSA storage facilities, and we also interviewed key staff members at the WSA, professional staff at the American Heritage Center, members of the State Records Committee, and other interested parties. 


To gather statistical information pertaining to WSA, we performed data analysis utilizing WSA outputs.  We reviewed agency retention listing reports and microfilm camera operator logs, and extracted information on program outputs from annual reports.  We examined all analysis of records forms approved in 1999, as well as quarterly report program outputs and State Records Committee meeting minutes.  In order to determine the cost of records storage in WSA and within state agencies, we analyzed cost allocation reports as well as internal documents relating to cost avoidance.  Finally, we conducted a broad review of professional literature related to archives and records management.




C.  Acknowledgments




The Legislative Service Office expresses appreciation to those who assisted in this research, especially to the Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, the State Archivist, the Wyoming State Archives, and its personnel.  We also thank the many other individuals who contributed their expertise, including staff at the American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming.

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