Guidelines for Attending Legislative Committee Meetings

Committee Meeting


Committee Meeting


Committee Handout Form
(Microsoft Word)


Committee Handout Form
(Adobe Acrobat)


E-Mail Handouts



Attending committee meetings to voice your opinion on issues before the Legislature is a great way to participate in the process.  Below are a few guidelines to follow when attending committee meetings.  If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact the committee staff or read our companion brochure:  I’m Going to Appear Before a Legislative Committee, which can be downloaded from the link on the left-hand side of this page. 

If You Would Like to Attend a Committee Meeting

When you arrive at the committee meeting room, please sign the official meeting Attendance Sheet indicating your attendance at the committee meeting.  You can keep track of the committee’s schedule by reading the notices on the committee room door, by following the daily calendar available outside the Senate Lobby, the House Lobby, or Capitol Rotunda, or by checking the Committee Meeting Schedule on the Wyoming Legislature’s Web site from the link on the left-hand side of this page.

If You Want to Give a Handout to the Committee

If you would like to provide written information to the committee and you would like your handout to be part of the official committee record, please fill out the Committee Handout Form when you arrive at the meeting room and give the form and a copy of your handout (including an electronic copy, if available) to the committee staff.  Please bring enough copies of your information for the committee, the committee staff, and interested members of the audience.  You can also e-mail an electronic copy to:  Please include the committee name, meeting date, document author, document provider, and agenda item in the body of the  e-mail or include an electronic copy of this form along with your submission.  Electronic copies of the form can be downloaded in either Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word from the links on the left-hand side of this page. 

If You Would Like to Address the Committee

Individuals who wish to address the committee will be recognized and called on by the Chairman to speak.  After the Chairman has recognized you, please stand and address the Chairman (i.e. “Mr. Chairman”).  Then, clearly state your name and the name of the organization you represent prior to addressing the committee.  All comments, questions, and responses must flow through the Chairman by addressing the Chairman each time you wish to speak.  This procedure ensures an orderly flow of discussion during the committee meeting.


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